Citizens of Wenatchee Stand, March Against Racism
And the city of Wenatchee, Washington issues proclamation in support
“As a Christian, it’s absolutely necessary to be standing in friendship and solidarity with people who are marginalized, who are suffering. I mean, this is the whole Christian message, essentially, is that those who are pushed to the edges of society should be centered. That is actually where divine energy and love enters into our human community,” Dane Breslin, marcher.
Tuesday, March 26, was Stand Against Racism Day in Wenatchee, Wa.
The folks from the YWCA NCW and the Wenatchee Valley College organized a day of educational events on campus and a march downtown to raise awareness.
The City of Wenatchee also issued a proclamation declaring the date Stand Against Racism Day in Wenatchee, and Mayor Frank Kuntz formally presented it to YWCA Executive Director Rachel Todd and the April 14 city council meeting. The city has issued the proclamation every year for the last few years.
Here’s a copy of the proclamation.
I attended the march and produced the video embedded above.
Events like this tend to go unreported by other media in the region, so I wanted to ensure this one didn’t get lost in the shuffle. And, at the risk of blowing my “journalistic objectivity” (which has always been a myth), I’m going to go out on what would be a limb for my both-sidesy colleagues here and say that racism is bad.
If you would like to learn more about the YWCA and how they are working to eliminate racism and empower women in North Central Washington, you can visit their website at
They operate a women’s shelter and provide housing for some of the most vulnerable people in the Wenatchee Valley community and a Thrift Store on Wenatchee Avenue. I have interviewed Rachel Todd before about that and more on my show Common Sense with Dominick Bonny.
If you’d like to learn more, you can watch that online here:
Thank you, Dom, for sharing this event and your true investigative journalism. I was struck by your comment about objectivity. Here's my take: "Slants are okay." Investigative journalism having a motivation - conservative, progressive, libertarian, anarchist - does not mean that the reporting is not valuable. As long as the reporting is based upon journalist investigation, facts and reporting customs and standards that provided this country with almost 250 years of the Fourth Estate, the resulting reporting is adding to the discourse necessary for democracy and civil society. It is so tragic that our Information Age has led to the debasement of "journalism," so that this term is now used by those engaged in publishing baseless or false content creation, infotainment, and propaganda. Anyone with an Internet connection can now engage in publishing and labeling themselves "journalist," although clearly not engaged in one of our most honored and necessary professions. So keep doing "the good work" of true journalism by keeping our citizenry informed, even about sacred cows - on the left and on the right - that need exposure to the light. And a slant - based upon journalistic standards - is fine with me.