We Have Passed Through The Looking Glass and Into The Rabbit Hole
“The American experiment, the original embodiment of the great Enlightenment idea of intellectual freedom, whereby every individual is…
“The American experiment, the original embodiment of the great Enlightenment idea of intellectual freedom, whereby every individual is welcome to believe anything she wishes, has metastasized out of control. We Americans have given ourselves over to all kinds of magical thinking, anything-goes relativism, and belief in small and large fantasies that console or thrill or terrify us. We believe that the government and its co-conspirators are hiding all sorts of shocking truths from us, concerning assassinations, extraterrestrials, the genesis of AIDS, the 9/11 attacks, the dangers of vaccines, and so much more. We have passed through the looking glass and down the rabbit hole.”
– Kurt Anderson in The Atlantic
I read this in a magazine today and after today’s Trump presser I found it nearly prophetic, since it was written last week.
“Fantasyland: How America Went Haywire” by Anderson is also an excellent book that I highly recommend.