'The Body' Sovereign Citizen Cult Member Chris Coombes Arrested for Child Molestation, Incest
New details come to light about the man who referred to his 6-year-old daughter as 'property' during a 2022 arrest in Okanogan County and the cult he belongs to
Trigger Warning: This article covers the sexual abuse of a minor. Reader discretion is advised.

On Aug. 15 Chris Coombes, a member of the sovereign citizen cult known as “The Body” was arrested and charged with 1st-degree child molestation and 2nd-degree incest in Okanogan County Superior Court.
Okanogan County Sheriff’s Office detectives submitted probable cause documents that provide a synopsis of an April 2023 forensic interview done with Coombes’ daughter in which the girl described how her father would sexually and physically abuse her, neglecting and maltreating her to a point that was “‘akin to childhood torture,‘“ wrote investigators.
The girl, now seven, described being beaten regularly with a rod that her father, and all male cult members, carry everywhere. She also described the sexual abuse she was subjected to.