Well, at least I got a handy list of businesses that I will support! Good for them. I am surprised (not so much) that the Republican Party would openly promote this hate fest and a boycott list (guess they like cancel culture when they are doing the cancelling). I know people are reluctant to label businesses for boycott, but the other side has no reluctance to do it. Anybody have a list of anti-LGBTQ+ businesses in Chelan so I know where not to do business?

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Thanks for this informative work.

Yes, there are those with hate filled hearts, but we have many strong, brave, loving people in our community as well. We must keep showing up.

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"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross"

Sinclair Lewis, who is credited for this quote, was absolutely right when he said it. These stories are indicative of how we should be taxing churches as businesses, because that's what they are. Further, the first to be taxed are the ones where, by policy and philosophy, have inserted politics into their everyday operations.

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I believe that quote is often misattributed to Sinclair Lewis, but it's not his. But it's basically the thesis point of his novel "It Can't Happen Here." The synopsis of the book sounds pretty familiar to anyone who has been paying attention to American politics over the last decade: "The main character, Buzz Windrip, appeals to voters with a mix of crass language and nativist ideology. Once elected, he solidifies his power by energizing his base against immigrants, people on welfare, and the liberal press."

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...which sounds similar to someone who jumped into the political arena in 2015. It Can't Happen Here is likely on a banned book list somewhere, so I definitely need to read it.

As for Lewis getting credit for the quote, thanks for the clarification. I have it on one of my protest shirts.

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And the Chelan Rotary Club are COWARDS!! Hate evidently wins!

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Spewing hate...how do they figure this is God's work. I was taught that we are ALL God's children. These people are f'ing scarey. And they are armed!

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Yes, they're armed, although, to be honest, I'm not completely terrified of any undisciplined groups of wannabes that could be aptly named Meal Team Six.

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well...there are quite a few local law enforcement members there. They also conduct lea training at their facilities, including firearms. Including youth. I suggest you should be concerned.

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Thanks for writing this! I saw some of it play out and I was curious what the context was. This is very informative.

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