Thank you for covering this story. You bring so much to light that we wouldn't have any way of knowing otherwise! And I think it's keeping other media outlets on their toes.

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Management companies and owners of complexes like these are worthy of an investigation. Just check with any assisted living resident. It’s awful that they collect this money, then abandon their obligation for upkeep. Really despicable! And, they make themselves unreachable. They are definitely a key player in the divide between those who have and those who don’t. I stand with the Gomez family. Thanks Dominick.

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An "F" rating from the Better Business Bureau is a huge red flag. I've never seen a business get an "F".

I don't use businesses that are not even listed. Ppl can read how disputes are resolved.

I sure hope this works out for the Gomez family.

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A relatively small issue in the scheme of things. Yet, a big issue for the Gomez family. Thanks for covering it Dom. Your coverage may help the family. Good community minded work bro.

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