Chelan Douglas Health District Board Member Urges Peers To Take Stance Against Gender-Affirming Care
Political activist Bill Sullivan has spent most of his tenure on the board focused on Covid vaccines, but a leaked email shows he's shifting focus to gender-affirming care
Bill Sullivan is a hydrologist by trade but his passion is political activism. If any culture war topic crops up in the Wenatchee Valley, he’s usually right in the thick of it.
As a member of the “Wenatchee Values Alliance” he tried to influence the last Wenatchee School Board election by sending a letter filled with misinformation to Wenatchee voters, he’s a member of an organization that has threatened to sue the Chelan Douglas Health District over Covid-19 vaccines, has protested public health harm reduction programs at county commissioner meetings and emceed Covid conspiracy theory conventions that advance the idea that Covid-19 was a “globalist plandemic” created by Bill Gates and other elites to cull the global population.
He’s also on the Chelan Douglas Health District Board of directors and in a leaked email from last week he urges his fellow board members as a body to take a stand against gender-affirming care for minors in the region.
Referencing President Trump’s Jan. 28 executive order titled “Protecting Children from Chemical and Surgical Mutilation” he wrote that Seattle Children’s Hospital announced it would be halting “so-called gender affirming care” for folks under 19.
However Seattle Children’s announced it would be halting “some gender-affirming surgeries” due to the executive order – not gender-affirming care for teens entirely.
But the point of his email was about what’s happening in the Wenatchee Valley.
“As I reported to you at the October Board of Health meeting, it appears that this type of ‘gender affirming care’ are administered to minor children by medical providers right here in our community,” he wrote in the email. “Performing these services on children is never appropriate because, by definition, minors cannot consent to the life-changing procedures. Therefore, I urge the Chelan-Douglas Board of Health to take a position against the mutilation of children within our community.”
At the bottom he linked to a website that he said shows “evidence” of gender-affirming care in the Wenatchee Valley.
The individual who leaked the email sent it to me and wrote that perhaps it’s time for the community to ask why such an uninformed bully has been allowed to waste so much of the public’s time and resources grinding his political axes.
“This pompous appointment to a public board, without a shred of fact, seeks to waste precious board time on what seems to be a goal of division and hate,” they wrote.
You can read Sullivan’s full email here: