Feb 15Liked by Dominick Bonny

Thank you for shedding light on this, Dominick!

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Well said Mr. Diaz.

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I’m hoping the parents of Columbia Elementary and the community will be successful in keeping the school open. There used to be something called “hardship schools” which were operated, not because it was economically brilliant to do so but, because young children needed them. Winton School was one such school. Because of the extremely long bus ride to Leavenworth Schools, little children in grades 1-6, living in the Merritt and Lake Wenatchee area, attended Winton. Several issues have been mentioned which indicate that closing Columbia Elementary would be a hardship for the students, families and teachers. I’m living in Virginia now and the miles make it hard for me to help with the Columbia School project. Could someone in Wenatchee look into the “hardship school” designation and see if it could apply in this case?

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I have been trying to find a link to the petition. I arrived at the spot where one can donate to the petition and did that, but I'd like to sign.

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That's my bad, I forgot to add the hyperlink on the second reference there at the end. It's linked earlier in the article but I wanted to include a second one that was more prominent. So I updated it, but here's the direct link: https://bit.ly/3Sywq50

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Thank you, Dominick.

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Nice job Kyle!

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YES!! "...they are placing another burden on a population of people who already have enough weight to bear." Perfect description and it establishes a goal.

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