So proud of Wenatchee. Thanks, Dominick.

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I work in a school on the west side of the mountains, our library's are safe spaces for kids before school during school and lunches. I can't even imagine not having these spaces for all. Our librarians are our technicians also.

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Another one so proud of Wenatchee. I am even more proud of my fellow Rotarian Dominick Bonny who has the persistent cajones and writing skills to bring to light the dark underside of the souls of some of our neighbors.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” – Edmund Burke.

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Using a frequently misused term...stay WOKE people! This wont be the first time such an ugliness happens in our lovely valley. Thank you Dominick for covering and the community folks who rallied for doing the right thing! It will need to happen again and again. We all need to march for Pride too! I remember a time when librarians were volunteers. It would be very sad to return to that, but it may need to happen at least for awhile. These are difficult times in our country. We will get through it, hopefully democracy intact, but we have to stay alert and stand up when we need to (woke)!!

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Thank you Dominick.

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Thanks for covering this! I’m grateful!!

Judy Derpack, CSD school board director

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Did you hear about the kids that went around the Cashmere high school ripping down lgbtq posters? How can I get this out?

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I just heard about it. I'd like to know more! I just got back from Okanogan County and replied to your DM. Let's connect.

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