The perfect example of White Christian Nationalism.

Hard to even wrap my mind around this nasty rhetoric.

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Silver lining--at least there's one less awful dude in law enforcement?

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Dec 18, 2023Liked by Dominick Bonny

I am simply at a loss for words. 33 yr educator here: 3 in Bethesda's school and 30 in WA public schools. So much about this is horrific (" a dude in skinny jeans", so clearly an anti LGBTQ statement). I think sadly it will just take the playing out of this over time.

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I agree. The only thing you can do is let people know what's happening and let things take the course they're going to take.

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I am constantly disgusted by McPherson and the bigots that lick his boots.

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It is blatantly clear here that Josh is using his hatred to push his congregation hard to enroll their children in his expensive school. No thought at all how the cost of tuition could devastate a family's budget in spite of the cut by half. (He is depending on wealthy donors to pay toward tuition indefinitely? ) How sad that his congregation cannot see that he is using them...and their children. They ARE his "wealth building power" in more ways than one.

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Among other alarming points included here, McPherson's remark about not wanting "some weeny, skinny jean music guy dude" teaching music is outrageous, and the diversity and "highly feminized spaces" comments are way over the top. To put innocent, impressionable children in these hands makes me shudder.

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Bethesda had its issues and comparisons are valid. However, "christian" nationalism was not an issue then as it is now. A dangerous issue.

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A “pastor” on an ego trip, preaching hate disguised as morality.

Excellent reporting Dominick. This is a story deserving of a larger audience. Any chance Crosscut or another regional publication could pick this up?

Also, what do you estimate is the size of the GCC congregation? Would be interesting to know how pervasive its influence is in our community.

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Thank you. I agree that the story deserves a larger audience. I am working with a publication called The Bulwark out of Washington DC on a long-form piece I am hoping will be ready to publish in early 2024. It's pretty long, about 80 pages right now, and it has stuff I've already reported on, and a lot that I haven't put out there yet.

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The Bulwark would be a good start. Jonathon Last’s got a decent following and it might be picked up from there.

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That's what I think too. Honestly between GCC and Bethesda, I think there's a book here.

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He is officially Larry Titus.

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I was actually thinking last night, Larry and Devi were pretty smart to go fully bilingual and reach out to emerging markets in Latin America. It would really surprise me if GCC really embraced Spanish speakers in the same way, even though that could really grow their church here. The total lack of outreach to the Latino community really says something.

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Hard to be a white nationalist and embrace the Latino community at the same time.

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Well, not the wealthy ones.

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Plus, he wouldn't want to "poison the blood", right?

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"He who defines God, defines reality". Perfect summation, Dominick.

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The way Josh passes out titles like "pastor" (even to his accountant) is laughable. Now, not only is his brother a "pastor", he's a "professor" as well.

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Dec 24, 2023·edited Dec 24, 2023

I wonder if that's why there's a huge rise in non-denominational churches. Literally anyone can be labeled a pastor without oversight from denominational governing bodies. I'm sure there's plenty of theological (or general higher) education lacking from the pastors at GCC, but I see it elsewhere too at non-denominational churches. The term pastor has a lot of weight historically, and they know it.

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Unfortunately, yes. To fleece and control people. GCC has the jail ministry contract. They recently made one of the previous inmates a "pastor" and gave him his own church...to further their agenda.

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Probably for tax reasons

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Public schools are failing but teaching Greek and Latin will solve it

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Oy veh... Anyone remember Superman's Bizarro World...???

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Is there a comprehensive list of the people teaching at this school? Are they all certificated teachers?

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I went back and listened to the introductions and added a list at the end of this article. I'm not sure every name is spelled right, but I checked as many as I could. Thankfully, most of the names were easy to spell.

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