Mar 23, 2023Liked by Dominick Bonny

It’s OK to judge and ridicule people if they are idiots? Not in my world and it’s certainly not what my upbringing taught me on Christianity, or just being a good person. Picking on someone because they are different? I suggest this “church” explore the meaning of “Grace” in their name.

They are promoting hate and fear which has far reaching consequences. And yet this congregation returns week after week?

Thank you for your work Dominick!

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My son is trans and we are incredibly grateful to live in the state of Washington. We feel a degree of safety that many Americans don't feel. But hearing about things like this in the town my son lives and goes to school and walks around in every day is scary. You just never know about people and even though I'm a former Christian, no one scares me more these days than Christians.

As always, thank you for sharing and shining a light on these important issues in our valley.

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GCC is not Christian it is a cuit.

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Well, you're definitely not wrong about that.

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Im so sorry you feel that way, but most traditional Christians do not believe the things that GCC does. That is the extreme fundamentalist end of the scale.

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I have only to look at the news to find out that Christian Nationalism is an epidemic. Women are losing rights, trans people are being erased, racism is rampant and black history is being whitewashed. It is conservative Christians that are leading the charge in all these states.

There have been hundreds of anti-LGBT bills introduced in over 40 states this year alone. It is a concerted attack by Christian Nationalists.

I'm fully aware it's "not all christians." I know some wonderful, loving people who also happen to be christian. But it's really hard to tell them apart these days and I'm sorry but "hate the sin, love the sinner" just doesn't fly. That's not tolerance, that's not acceptance, that's not love.

I grew up in a conservative christian family that believed in being in church whenever the doors were open. I know all the cliches, all the cutesy little sayings, all the theology. Nothing will convince me that christians aren't the number one threat to our democracy and freedom in the USA today.

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Elly, I wholeheartedly agree with everything you say here, except your last sentence. You simply cant lump all christians into the same hat. Thats all Im saying. Accepting of all, embracing diversity in all its forms, no judgment. I am that kind of Christian who doesnt attend church. Its not required.

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My question to you, Debbie, is where are these other Christian churches stepping up to stop this trend in the name of their own religion. Do they think they are immune from the attacks. The history of internecine conflict fueling wars for many centuries is a cautionary tale. There is a pastor in Chelan calling 90% of all other churches false prophets. I would suggest that the Christian community should be more vociferous about taking on these folks who are starting to represent what many of us see as Christianity in our communities. I was raised nominally Christian. I am not a believer now, but I do respect the faith of others, until they decide they are entitled to impose their beliefs on the rest of us through social institutions like our laws. I see the predominant or loud form of Christianity now as a direct threat to me as a woman, a person of different faith, to my friends who are LGBTQ, BIPOC, immigrants. In truth, I see religion of any stripe as more of a hinderance than a help these days considering what I've seen around the world in both the news & personal travels. A means of power & control.

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I've been there, too. I empathize and agree.

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Will you continue to keep abreast of what GCC leaders are doing and inform the community as needed after the final story? We need you.

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I plan on it.

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Jesus is woke.

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Oh I do believe so!😎

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"Let's not all be gaslit by what's happening," says Josh McPherson while gaslighting the congregation.

I will never stop finding it funny that these men are extremely fragile about their own identities. Maybe he forgot to laminate his Man Card.

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Mar 26, 2023Liked by Dominick Bonny

You are doing a good job, Dominick. You are exposing things that desperately need exposing here in our valley.

Spewing baloney from the pulpit is one thing. (Abhorrent , but it must be allowed to happen .) It 's when we learn that Grace City Church has a contract to minister to inmates that it becomes a matter of serious public concern.

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So called " christians " like this are what have made me a proud agnostic. To quote a song by Ray Wylie Hubbard, " Buddha wasn't a Christian but Jesus would have made a mighty good Buddhist ". Sums it up perfectly. Churches need to lose their tax exemption. Immediately!

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Core values of kindness and respect are clearly lacking from GCC pulpit. How do we as a community stand against this kind of hate and bigotry.

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As a committed Christian myself, I have to wonder; what does any of what Josh said have to do with Jesus? I may not be in favor of trans folks being equated with cis folks, but that has nothing to do with my Christianity. What does have to do with my claiming to be a Christian is whether or not I represent Jesus' love and concern for anyone (including Josh for that matter!). If the folks attending this church are happy with being titillated by a leader who promotes a certain social and cultural agenda, feel free to keep attending; just don't try to pass it off as having anything to do with who Jesus was and what he calls us to.

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There are a lot of churches like this launched in the past two decades that avoid preaching scripture. These leaders will spend hours, days, weeks crafting their verbose sermons and materials to sidestep scripture, but allude to it, and avoiding discussions of service and sacrifice as a Christian, and replace it with language to make people feel special, deserving of good things, and chosen (good ol' prosperity gospel.) Grace City Church in particular publishes a plethora of materials across different platforms that are intellectually and scripturally bankrupt, but reassuring to people who believe in their own supremacy.

It's worth noting, the current moral panic around trans people is the same pattern we saw for gay people. It's the same scare tactics, the same media talking points. It's highly effective at denying care and rights to individuals who need care, as we have witnessed from several state legislatures in the past few months. It's also effective at making them targets of abuse and violence. The megachurch ghouls who peddled this hatred in the 80s laid the groundwork for the hip pastors of today. It's very intentional.

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"I may not be in favor of trans folks being equated with cis folks..." :(. I'm not really sure what you're implying here, but I do know that Jesus doesn't think my son is any less equal or valid than any cis person. I think the way you view people has everything to do with your christianity. Jesus sought out those who were othered by society and welcomed, cared for, and loved them. He didn't perpetuate their subjugation.

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And I have a grand child who is, "they." Not implying anything but am making the same point you are that, "Jesus doesn't think my son is any less equal or valid than any cis person." We are in complete agreement. I was thinking more of the sports competition issue and I probably expressed myself poorly as I often do.

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I appreciate you clarifying. There are certainly a lot of issues surrounding trans people that we as a society need to work through, so I get it.

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Sounds like you are still a Christian Elly...at least uou still believe in Jesus

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I believe in the teachings of Jesus and I believe there is a God. I will never, ever call myself christian again. I refuse to be associated with the things that christianity represents in this country today. When I'm asked about my religious beliefs, I simply say I'm agnostic.

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Such dangerous rhetoric. Woke "doctrine?" Man, the right has certainly hijacked that word that they cant define...So this whacked pastor...he has truly reeled them in. Now he is finally sucking out their brains. Are there any blacks or hispanics who attend this place? Im gonna guess not but I dont know. How many of our fine citizens have fallen for this line of absolute bs? How easily have some of our government officials been brainwashed?

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I wear a t-shirt to the gym that says: "JESUS WAS WOKE." I get some really baffled looks. I also get some TRUE Christians who applaud it. To them, Jesus IS WOKE. Listening to this "preacher" and considering the critical thinking abilities of his followers allows me to understand where MAGA and it's attendant "religious" cult come from. It's truly scary how naive so many of my fellow Americans/human beings prove. It's no small wonder how nazi Germany /fascist Italy and imperial Japan captivated their people. Democracy is indeed more fragile than I believed. We all have to STAND UP (AS DOES DOM) when called and VOTE...

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When this extreme belief system infiltrates our institutions and governing agencies is the time to be really afraid. It is happening here. I just wish we knew how widespread it is.

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This is my concern as well. I would suggest it is really already here. If you listen to the rhetoric employed by many of the legislatures that are passing laws that are stripping rights from women, LGBTQ, voting and other restrictions notice how much of that is couched in theocratic language. There is a documentary called "The Family" https://www.netflix.com/title/80063867 (also a book by Jeff Sharlat) that describes how some of this has infiltrated at the highest levels of our government (and it is a few years old, now it seems more entrenched). Listen to the rhetoric of Mike Pence, Pomepeo etc. They are christofascist theocrats through and through.

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I could not agree with you more!

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Very on brand for GCC.

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