Bigots should feel unwelcome and excluded in public spaces. Keep your hate behind closed doors. Our children don't need to see that.

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My gosh. Imagine wasting everyone’s time to bash a flag that is meant to inspire love and community? Thanks for continuing to report. I’ll be interested to see how this plays out. Long live the the pride flag 🏳️‍🌈

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Yep, I'm sure there's a squadron of LGBTQ commandos hanging out in the library storage room ready and willing to do... something.

Speaking of feeling unsafe, perhaps we can ban the "Let's go Brandon" flags and the like from public display. Those are the scary people.

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And the Rebel flag and “don’t tread on me” flags. They scare me. They’re busy trying to control others

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Thank you Dom for saying it so plainly - these people need to stop the bullshit and hiding behind “safety”. Please. It’s so obvious that they’re using their bigotry to drum up fear. That’s the oldest trick in the book.

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False claims of not feeling safe....sounds similar to racists calling the police because a POC is jogging through their White neighborhood. It's just another way bigots target people. What, exactly, are they afraid of?

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The number of times they said the American flag represents everyone and signifies SAFETY and WELCOMING for everyone…

Of all the things a person or organization can display to make me feel unsafe and unwelcome, the American flag is pretty much at the top of the list.

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"why isn't it alllll about meeeeeee??" ::whine::

I swear, there are people who are convinced that 'harmony' = 'we all think alike'. But that's like the ultimate Zeno's paradox: the more closely you make people conform, the smaller the differences that make you feel 'unsafe'. Then you narrow the acceptable differences even more. Lather, rinse, repeat.

Pretty soon nobody has room to breathe. Or think.

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If one kid sees that flag and feels like they are supported then it is absolutely the right place for it to fly. I cannot imagine the amount of energy and hate that those women have spent trying to remove a symbol of love. Hopefully someone can reach them and explain how important small things like a Pride Flag in a small town can save a life.

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You brought a Wild hyena into a too small cage here. "knowledge and sex."

"A truly great library has something to offend everyone" ~ Jo Godwin

It's hard to deny that our library has not gone out of its way to feature LBGT acceptance. For instance, imagine the social flack it would get for featuring all the positions of the bhagavad Gita!

I suggest that promotion of egalitarianism promotes only egalitarianism, and not its acceptances. This is, I guess a position that may not be popular do to current social interests. But I stand by the ideal that egalitarianism can be non-biased, even if it needs to have its current areas of battle to advance.

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