Curious. Is Mr Goehner a member of GCC? Did he get a copy of this report? I have kniwn Keith for very long time. I was an admin for Chelan County when Keith was a commissioner. I always found him to be gracious, a very good listener, a definite public servant. Never did I have the impression that he pushed his religious beliefs. He seemed quite capable of maintaining neutrality...keeping his personal beliefs out of politics. I would be very saddened if that has changed or I was wrong. What disturbs me most is a church's attempts to influence politics in nefarious ways. I sincerely hope neither Keith nor any local govts would allow this kind of activity.

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As far as I know Rep. Goehner is not a member. And if you watch the interview he is very level-headed and even says that you shouldn't run for office unless you are ready for great responsibility and a lot of work. He also says it's about serving everyone, not just your own interests. From my viewpoint Mr. Goehner purported himself adequately. But the topic of and hyperbole in the sermon prior to the interview are things I think most political advisors would urge their boss to steer clear of. In speaking with other politicians and elected officials during the last six months or so, I get the sense a few might regret being so closely associated with McPherson. It's telling that so many of the original plaintiffs in the lawsuit against the governor dropped out right after they filed the paperwork.

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Thanks Dominick. That makes me feel better about Keith at least. The more yoh spread the "word" on this topic, I would hope other leaders pay attention. Maybe they will think twice about how their actions might look...such as those who signed that lawsuit, or the gun totin commissioner who thought he needed to protect is from BLM...

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"He went on to say what he finds encouraging is the “tremendous number of good solid Christians” in the state legislature."

As if he really knows a person's private life.

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Feb 27, 2022·edited Mar 6, 2022

Putin, Trump, McPherson...all these evil men need to be locked away.

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