Mr Culp has clearly displayed his immaturity and total disrespect to women, This is not a person I would want to represent WA or me. He wouldn’t represent anyone who disagrees with him.

The WASPC is correct in expelling him. Then he can play “victim” so the base will love him and use “free speech “ as their banner.

A business usually directs codes and policies for standards expected of their employees. I’m pretty sure that is the case here and Mr Culp likely knows that but wants the “freedom” to be obnoxious and make our citizens disrespect the SP and any government. Their end game appears to be anarchy but they don’t understand that they will have a dictator in charge. Ok, done with rant.

Thanks, Dominic, for bringing these issues to light.

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No limit on Culp's free speech. His immaturity shows given he has no concept of consequences.

“If I get colorful once in a while and I say ‘bitch’ so what? So what?” So what indeed. His character has not changed.

Remember Culp had to hold bake sales for his run for governor.

As Ms Angelou stated:

'When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.'

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"Loren Culp represents the worst of the right," couldn't have said it better.

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Thank you for shedding a light on this. Sadly, this is who they are!

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Excited for Jessica Pishko's upcoming book on the Constitutional Sheriff movement!

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