And ask supporters to share a graphic that accuses Iñiguez of being 'trained in Communist Cuba as a Guest of the Castro regime' ahead of Nov. 7 election
Unfortunately, without drastic measures and major involvement and push back from people of good will, they will succeed by using hate and fear to seat their Fourth Reich nationwide. It's inconceivable to me that Donald Trump has more than a snowball's chance in Hell of again occupying the White House. At this juncture, that is not only a distinct possibility, it is likely probable without a huge groundswell of opposition. Remember: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good [people] to do nothing” (source unknown, historically attributed to Edmond Burke).
Not surprisingly, Mom's for Liberty, a far right organization, has, like GCC's Josh McPherson, referred to public schools as "government schools" and encourages parents to remove their children in a "mass exodus". Yet, they also want supporters to run for public school boards, because although they claim to be pro-family...they are deliberately fighting to take rights away from any parent or family that does not share their beliefs, politics, and fundamentalist, Christian Nationalist views.
What they are doing to Maria is just a hint of the ugly lengths they will go to accomplish their agenda. They are dangerous.
It seems like it would be appropriate to take legal action against these rumor mongerers. We already know these people are into “alternate facts.” If they valued a good education, you’d think they would realize that everything they have is as a result of science. But like cherry picking the Bible, they seem to want science they personally approve only.
GCC is the Monitor church cult 2.0.
These “Christian “ fascists are another face of extremism and control while expounding freedom.
Certainly defamatory! This is how misinformation is damaging. Nice to know there is a local "chapter" of this dangerous group. Do we know if the candidates this group supports endorses the platform of Moms for Liberty?
Unfortunately, without drastic measures and major involvement and push back from people of good will, they will succeed by using hate and fear to seat their Fourth Reich nationwide. It's inconceivable to me that Donald Trump has more than a snowball's chance in Hell of again occupying the White House. At this juncture, that is not only a distinct possibility, it is likely probable without a huge groundswell of opposition. Remember: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good [people] to do nothing” (source unknown, historically attributed to Edmond Burke).
I couldn't agree with you more.
I hope Ms. Iniguez will avail herself of all legal remedies our system provides.
These people would have been right at home in Germany in the 1930s.
Not surprisingly, Mom's for Liberty, a far right organization, has, like GCC's Josh McPherson, referred to public schools as "government schools" and encourages parents to remove their children in a "mass exodus". Yet, they also want supporters to run for public school boards, because although they claim to be pro-family...they are deliberately fighting to take rights away from any parent or family that does not share their beliefs, politics, and fundamentalist, Christian Nationalist views.
What they are doing to Maria is just a hint of the ugly lengths they will go to accomplish their agenda. They are dangerous.
What a typical cop-out:
“It is all stuff circulated around the internet. It is something that someone else is claiming,” she (Carveth) wrote."
So it's OK to pass on rumors, innuendo and gossip....
It seems like it would be appropriate to take legal action against these rumor mongerers. We already know these people are into “alternate facts.” If they valued a good education, you’d think they would realize that everything they have is as a result of science. But like cherry picking the Bible, they seem to want science they personally approve only.
GCC is the Monitor church cult 2.0.
These “Christian “ fascists are another face of extremism and control while expounding freedom.
Certainly defamatory! This is how misinformation is damaging. Nice to know there is a local "chapter" of this dangerous group. Do we know if the candidates this group supports endorses the platform of Moms for Liberty?
I would bet on it.
Carveth's Facebook cover photo says it all...
Just wow, and one of the three people I know is ultra conservative who is running… Sounds like GCC has some input here, unbelievable