Moms for Liberty Group Claims Wenatchee School Board President María Iñiguez is 'Trained Marxist'
And ask supporters to share a graphic that accuses Iñiguez of being 'trained in Communist Cuba as a Guest of the Castro regime' ahead of Nov. 7 election
On Oct. 18, Johanna Carveth, president of Chelan and Douglas County chapter of Moms for Liberty, posted to social media a graphic that claims Wenatchee School Board President María Iñiguez was “trained in Communist Cuba as a Guest of the Castro Regime” in 2005.
“Can We Trust Our Children to a Trained Marxist?” reads one question on the graphic.
She also asked followers and supporters to share the message.
Carveth, who told the Wenatchee World her group is “apolitical” and “non-partisan” bristled at the suggestion that sharing the graphic was a partisan act.
“Explain to me how it is partisan to want to protect your kids, or want the to have an education free from sexualization, etc?,” she wrote. “That is not a partisan issue.”
While she did not explain how sharing a message accusing Iñiguez of being a communist trained in Cuba was not partisan. She denied she was a part of any defamatory statement and did make sure to distance herself from the individuals who made the original claim.
“It is all stuff circulated around the internet. It is something that someone else is claiming,” she wrote.
Yet she didn’t completely disavow herself of the claim either.
“I do find it interesting that she studied in Cuba for a period of time,” she wrote.
That period of time was two weeks, according to Iñiguez. She traveled to Cuba on an academic Visa with a group of students and professors from the University of Washington and “co-presented an academic paper at a conference.”
Iñiguez’s graduate thesis was focused on the effects of standardized testing on Latino students and she co-wrote and presented her paper with her professor.
“I am very proud of my academic work and educational accomplishments,” she wrote.
Iñiguez said she is not a Marxist or Communist, chalked these new attacks up to fear, and called them “intimidation tactics” and “propaganda.”
When asked if attacks like these are borne of racial animus and are defamatory, Iñiguez said “Absolutely.“
“It absolutely has to do with race. Last election it was about not needing a ‘Latina Beauty Queen’ on the school board and now this. I don’t see any of the other candidates being attacked at this level,” she wrote. “It’s a real struggle for them to see a highly qualified and educated woman of color in a leadership role.”
Unfortunately, without drastic measures and major involvement and push back from people of good will, they will succeed by using hate and fear to seat their Fourth Reich nationwide. It's inconceivable to me that Donald Trump has more than a snowball's chance in Hell of again occupying the White House. At this juncture, that is not only a distinct possibility, it is likely probable without a huge groundswell of opposition. Remember: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good [people] to do nothing” (source unknown, historically attributed to Edmond Burke).
I hope Ms. Iniguez will avail herself of all legal remedies our system provides.