What a perfect example of Toxic (white) Male behavior! It is amazing how threatened men have come to feel in my lifetime, and I am sorry some of Wenatchee's prominent men have been pulled into this ((among others, but I mean men in community leadership roles). Thank you for this great reporting! Journalism is for sure about shining light.
White "Christian" nationalism (aka AmeriKKKan nazis):
Sorry folks, I call'em as I perceive them with well-validated facts behind this perception. Shades of another Bethesda cult in our own town only this one is well-armed and very open (they scream at non-believers et al) about their extreme right (nazi) "mores." I predict their male/macho ("get the girl"- "church" motto) firearm "blessing" will result in more than the average male suicides and/or homicides in the future than the norm. Folks in "religious" cults are seriously lacking in self-esteem and/or critical thinking skills leaving them open to depressive disorders and the repercussions thereof IMHO... 😬
Across time there have been many "clever" hooks used by groups attempting to subjugate other groups in the name of religion, and this macho man manipulation is at the same time simple-minded and insidiously clever. Young strong guys who may come complete with families to use are being played. Their vision dulled by ego cataracts, the prancing macho men have no clue. I wouldn't know this without you, Dominick. Thanks.
I wonder if the conference in MO showed the video of chicken man Hawley running from the insurrectionists on January 6th. Showed what a strong man he wasn't! And they were his constituents!
What a perfect example of Toxic (white) Male behavior! It is amazing how threatened men have come to feel in my lifetime, and I am sorry some of Wenatchee's prominent men have been pulled into this ((among others, but I mean men in community leadership roles). Thank you for this great reporting! Journalism is for sure about shining light.
White "Christian" nationalism (aka AmeriKKKan nazis):
Sorry folks, I call'em as I perceive them with well-validated facts behind this perception. Shades of another Bethesda cult in our own town only this one is well-armed and very open (they scream at non-believers et al) about their extreme right (nazi) "mores." I predict their male/macho ("get the girl"- "church" motto) firearm "blessing" will result in more than the average male suicides and/or homicides in the future than the norm. Folks in "religious" cults are seriously lacking in self-esteem and/or critical thinking skills leaving them open to depressive disorders and the repercussions thereof IMHO... 😬
Across time there have been many "clever" hooks used by groups attempting to subjugate other groups in the name of religion, and this macho man manipulation is at the same time simple-minded and insidiously clever. Young strong guys who may come complete with families to use are being played. Their vision dulled by ego cataracts, the prancing macho men have no clue. I wouldn't know this without you, Dominick. Thanks.
I wonder if the conference in MO showed the video of chicken man Hawley running from the insurrectionists on January 6th. Showed what a strong man he wasn't! And they were his constituents!