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I was just checking out the Brady list for Chelan Co and I am curious as to why Jennifer Tyler is on there. It seems the entry has either been sealed of any real information or that it is just a submission by one of the reporting authorities as some kind of corrupt retaliation to try and prevent Deputy Tyler from gaining employment at another police department.

Especially because the reporting body is the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission [WSCJTC]

Which is:

“not in compliance with the nationwide, public-facing, Brady List; or:

Supreme Court of the United States [SCOTUS] Brady doctrine (1963);

US Freedom of Information Act (1967);

State Sunshine Law (see, below);

Open Government Act (2007);

Open Government Initiative (2009); and,

Open Government Directives (2009) issued by the United States Department of Justice.

Seems shady to me…

I would hate to see the Brady List being used as a tool for corrupt law enforcement officers and offices to retaliate against the honest officers that do speak out against their corruption.

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