Isn’t this an interesting coincidence that this school is being closed and GCC plans to start a school (private) less that 3 miles away?

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I don't think parents who pay for their children to attend a private school get a break on their taxes that help pay for public schools. Its possible, because of declining attendance in the valley, I'm not certain private schools will be in the position to pick up the slack (as they cost money to attend). I think what is concerning are so-called conservative elements who lie about the curriculum of public schools to create fear and distrust of the local system.

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This smells of racism, disdain for the economically challenged, and the ultra conservative “Christian “ movement that is sweeping our ever bigoted area. I would call it community but this isn’t community. This “me first” unsocial agenda with no Christian conscience nor moral compass at all. I am disgusted and sad about this. These children have fewer resources to attend a school farther away. Why not bus some from the wealthier part of the town to Columbia? This is the result of continual rejection of levies and taxes that could pay for it all.

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I am very sad for the families who were so happy that they lived close enough to walk to Columbia Elementary. We live close enough to walk to our kids' schools. It would make things so much harder to factor in extra time to travel farther to school. This will be a major challenge for these families, especially if both parents work. Also, doesn't this mean that class sizes will increase in the other schools? They're already quite full. I feel badly for everyone. No one would want this to happen. It really must be out of desperation.

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It would make sense to change Columbia Elementary to a Middle School and close Orchard, which is a very old school and the maintenance of it must be a nightmare.

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Sad for students and staff😰.

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I'm sure its no fun for the attending students when their school closes and they have to move to a different school, but I don't see how its any different than what a child faces when they either 1) have to move to a new school because their family moves to a different city, or 2) when they have to change school when moving from elementary to middle school, or middle school to high school.

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