Dominick- Thank you for your insightful and factual articles. What’s the best way to submit to you ideas for coverage of other local stories that might be of interest to your subscribers and the general public?

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McDonald says, “ We are hiring for medical positions, RNs, CNAs.” These are NURSING positions and his language tells the tale of the problem. The history of Confluence’s collegial relationship and their nursing professionals is gone with the new leadership. Nursing is its own healthcare science. McDonald also repeatedly speaks of his industry. Medicare is one of the few remaining large chunks of money in America available for plunder. Pharma and the health insurance INDUSTRY are accountable for our disgraceful healthcare outcomes in America. Nothing will change until we get the INDUSTRY out of healthcare. When I read about the treatment of nursing leadership at CWH by the new administration, I came to the conclusion, as a 45 year RN, that if I or my husband need major surgery, we will go to UW Medicine in Seattle or Spokane (I for sure don’t trust the Catholic hospitals, they are the worst money grubbers , denying charity care to their patients until they were sued TWICE by AG Ferguson.). Thanks, again, Dominick, for covering an important story like no one else.

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